June 26 - Day 3
Here fishy fishy...

There seemed to be a lot of motorboat traffic on the lake and when I say 'a lot' I mean I heard or saw around 8 or 9 motorboats that day. A record I'd not want to repeat hearing or seeing. I had never seen Cedar Lake so busy. It was becoming too popular for my liking!

Stainless wanted to fish the Petawawa River below the dam and so we headed out around 10:00am after breakfast. The lake was like glass as we paddled to the take-out for the Petawawa. The funny thing is I brought my camera but did not take any pictures, as matter of fact I took hardly any pictures that day. Unusual for me, I must've been into the fishing!

We walked to the end of the portage, checking out the two campsites along the portage as we went. At the end the water looked low to me and we began casting into big swirling pools of water down stream and into the rapids upstream. I didn't catch one fish and thought I might have had a bite on one cast but that's it, I got skunked. Stainless caught a small fish and that was it I think.

Jeffrey & "Stainless" paddle Cedar Lake

We even tried fishing various places, following a few side trails as we headed back up the portage, but we had no more luck. I had never fished that area but have been told the fishing was excellent, but not that day!

As we paddled to the nearby island campsites north of the portage I cast in a few spots that dropped off from shore and caught a few bass... Finally! They were putting up a good fight as they were large. I lost several fish but did manage to land two, both were returned. Stainless was also having luck too, catching several fish, all were returned as well.

We landed at the campsite on the Southwest side of the island and I have to say it is quite nice. It is very rocky along the shoreline, along the North and west sides it sits high above the water, populated with rock. In contrast the eastern campsite was in shadow under the midday sun, much less open but still not too bad. The first campsite was the real prize though. The double site is suitable for large groups as it has a path connecting the two together.

I fished from the rocks at the western campsite but caught nothing, then headed back to camp. That night we had steak for dinner with red wine, delicious!

Stainless went out for a solo paddle to fish the bay after 7:30pm. It was the kind of evening one dreams about in the dead of winter. It was another fine night for sky watching as the sunset was laced with hues of pink and purple.

Cedar Lake soloist

"Stainless" paddles a beautiful June evening on Cedar Lake


Cedar Lake sunset
Sunset during our third evening on Cedar Lake


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